New Year's Resolution Reset


It’s mid-February…how are you doing on your New Year’s resolutions??? With the new year comes an exciting hope for change, but also an expectation that it will take place overnight. Because of this unrealistic timeline and scope of achievement, so many fail to stick to their resolutions.

I believe resolutions can be a good thing…but that they also take time. Let’s be real - I had the resolution to switch from a paper calendar to digital for three years. It took discipline, I forgot certain dates (which was typically when I would give up), and I didn’t get to use my pretty pack of pens that I would buy every year with my new planner. However, once I stuck it out that third year…even when I failed at times…it made it all worth it. Now I live by my digital calendar with all the reminders that keep my head on straight.

I also want to “Marie Kondo” my house every January, but I realistically need an entire year and not just 6 weeks to get that done. Shifting your expectations to match reality is when a goal can be achieved. Taking baby steps instead of one big leap is how you can overcome your shortcomings. If I can throw one more cheesy, encouraging saying in here…just because you fumble the football doesn’t mean you have to forfeit the game!

Because of this, we put together a 30-day challenge addressing a different resolution each day. According to Inc., these are the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions that were made this year:

1. Actually doing my New Year's resolution
2. Trying something new
3. Eat more of my favorite foods
4. Lose weight/diet
5. Go to the gym
6. Be happier/better mental health
7. Be more healthy
8. Be a better person
9. Upgrade my technology
10. Staying motivated