When it comes to hanging larger objects on your walls, this can sometimes feel like a bit of a puzzle and eventually we often just give up. Well I’ve found a simple solution to make this task doable for anyone!
Check out how I hung up this window pane from Round Top, Texas with much more ease than anticipated.
First, purchase this Hangman Picture Hanging System. I found mine at At Home, but you can also find this or a similar brand at stores like Home Depot or Lowes. The package will come with 2 sets of screws, 2 metal cleats + a built in level.
Second, attach the first cleat to the window pane using the set of smaller screws. It is best to hand screw all of these using a Phillips-head screwdriver. To help me get each screw started, I used a hammer + nail to get a small hole in the wood first and then was better able to hand screw the screws into the wood.
Third, attach the second cleat with the bear claw screws to the wall using the built in level that slides directly into the cleat. Screw in the middle screw first, then adjust the level until the bar is straight and continue screwing in the other 4 screws. Like before, I hammered a small hole first where the screw would go in and then proceeded to screw in the screws. Once the cleat is hung, just slide the level out.
Now you’re ready to hang your window on the wall! Just interlock the two cleats and you are GOOD. TO. GO. Don’t you just love how flush this hangs on the wall?!
Using a little twine, I finished off the window by hanging a cute wreath from Hearth + Hand (see below) on the window. I used the window latch on top to hang the wreath but depending on your window pane, you may need to get a little creative here!