The Unhurried Life


We’re all about entertaining around here, but with the recent COVID-19 outbreak, staying in + social distancing is the right thing to do. As our busy schedules start looking a lot more free, maybe this is the slow down we all actually needed. Not gonna lie, I’m right there with all of you stir crazy mamas who don’t know what else to do to keep their kiddo(s) busy, but boredom is good for a child’s development (fosters creativity) and I believe this applies to adults as well.

We live in a culture that now expects to be entertained 24/7. When was the last time you actually sat in stillness and didn’t feel like you were going a little crazy?? In addition to this, we’re surrounded by the fear of the virus and other silly things like not having enough toilet paper. A friend recently reminded me that in times like these it’s important to check your perspective.

This is no laughing matter and I do believe we should take it seriously, but we shouldn’t let fear consume us or boredom drive us to tears. Instead, take time these next few weeks to treasure the little things like extra time with your loved ones and a chance to rest instead of living one frazzled day to the next.

I recently had the opportunity to chat with my friend Jen Brazeal on her podcast The Unhurried Life. We discussed how important it is to make space for yourself so you can be creative and keep sight of what truly brings you joy. Often people tell me they’re “not creative”…I frankly believe this is not true. I believe we all were created by a Creator that is creative, so why would he not instill that in us as well?

So often people don’t think they are creative because they lack the skill levels others posses, but that just comes with practice. How can you perfect a skill if you don’t give yourself the space to mess up and try again?

Change your perspective towards this whole lockdown scenario. Instead of feeling trapped, use it as an opportunity to try something new! Here are a few ideas that have sparked joy in our own lives:

  • Try out a new recipe you’ve been meaning to whip up

  • Pull out that SLR camera you have somewhere in your back closet and take some fun shots of your family

  • Sketch an item in your house

  • Pick up that instrument you’ve been meaning to learn and watch a YouTube video lesson

  • Speaking of YouTube…check out our YouTube channel and watch our latest video teaching how to arrange flowers like a pro!

Try something new this week. Be smart + safe, but keep things in perspective. Love others well and extend grace as we are all processing this differently. Most importantly, extend grace to yourself as you find your creative gene…I promise you’ve got one.