Adult Spring Breaking

I remember my first year out of college when March rolled around. Instead of working on my tan on the beach or by the pool with my roommates, I was stuck in a windowless office where the only tan I was getting was coming from the blue light of my computer monitor.

With “adulting” comes great freedom, but also a lack of time or money to get away. On top of that, in this day-and-age of social media where we can see all of the exotic destinations others go on, it can be discouraging to not have the same exciting experiences.

This past weekend my hubby + I had to travel across state for a wedding (and in Texas, ‘across state’ means it’s going to take a good chunk of time getting there). We opted for the scenic route instead of the interstate. It took a good 1-2 hours longer, but it was so worth it. We ate at small town restaurants, discovered unknown landmarks, and had plenty of conversation time. This got me thinking about the upcoming spring break holiday (or lack there of if you are no longer on a school schedule). If you are having withdrawals like me to fill the void that once was a wonderful vacation, you should do something about it. Even if you don’t have a designated week to take off, I highly recommend reserving a weekend or even JUST a Saturday if that’s all you’ve got to rest and discover.


So here are five easy solutions to make you feel like you have earned that cherished holiday back:

  1. Road Trip - We are big fans of road trips for the reasons already mentioned + many more. Pick a simple destination 2-5 hours away so you get some quality time with your friend(s) or spouse. Bring a book filled with questions that you all can chat through, rock out to your favorite playlist, or watch the sunset from a new special spot.

  2. Visit a Winery/Distillery/Brewery - Everyday I feel like I’m hearing about a new winery, distillery, or brewery that has opened up. This is a fun way to try something new, get your friends together, and sometimes road trip a little to get there (with a designated driver of course ;) This is the easiest way to feel like you’re in Napa without having to spend an arm or a leg!

  3. Sneak into an awesome pool - Whether it be at that sweet new apartment complex down the street or a fancy hotel, swimming pools can sometimes be an easy spot to slip in (just look confident and act like you’re supposed to be there haha). Or if you are a ruler follower and that makes you too nervous, ask a friend if you can come to their apartment complex or find out if there is a resort in your area that allows you to pay a small day fee for full access to their amenities.

  4. At-Home Spa Day - Carve out at least 2 hours for some dedicated self-care. Go all out: put on face masks, do your nails, use a massage tool to work out those pesky knots in your shoulders.

  5. Get Outside - Check out your city’s Parks and Rec page to see if there are any local hiking spots you have never checked out and go exploring! Pack a picnic for after the hike and enjoy the sunset.