Share the Love!


There are typically two camps of thought towards Valentine’s Day. There are those that find it to be a fun day to dote upon their loved ones and others that think it is an over-commercialized holiday.

I personally have never had an issue with it because it also happens to be my birthday, so I always had that as a distraction all of the years I was single. However, I see both sides. No, you shouldn’t have to wait until one specific day a year to show people you love them. But it sure is fun to go out of your way to do so on that day!

Whether you’re single, dating, married, or “it’s complicated”, Valentine’s Day is a great chance to tell people how we feel that we don’t always stop and take the time to appreciate. And not just with your significant other! I think we all need a little reminder to recognize others in our lives a little more versus being consumed with our own issues. Look, I get it…I’ve been the lonely one wishing I just had someone to share it with. I’ve had Valentine’s roll by where the last thing I wanted to do was buy a mushy-gushy card for my husband because we were in the midst of a fight I didn’t think we would get through. But, by taking a day to reflect on the big picture and on how much we do have + how much we are loved, it helps put things back in perspective.

Do you have to go buy out the Hallmark store? No…but you could send a ‘thinking of you’ text to your friend or give the co-worker that you don’t always get along with a little extra grace. Hopefully then you’ll be more cognizant of the need for this moving forward and be inspired to show that same love year-round! In a world that is more divided than ever, why not celebrate a little love?

Bake cookies and deliver them to your neighbors or make things more simple - buy those iced sugar cookies everyone loves, put them in a cellophane bag with some cute ribbon.Take a little plant from Trader Joe’s to yo (3).png